
A Swirling Space

An interactive platform of Exxon excerpts
Play this piece by clicking the 'play' link above. Use your mouse to swirl around this world of remixed Exxon documents. Click on any of the documents to zoom in on it. Click on it again to zoom back out. By 'remixed', we mean that these images have been used as canvases for drawing, no wording on the actual documents have been changed. The idea is not to point the finger at Exxon, but to present their documents in a different and more beautiful way, and allow the viewer to decide for themselves...

Red Redact Redaction

Interact with images created from Exxon documents

The typing room

Add your voice to the global community on climate change in this interactive space

video art piece

Commissioned for pop up projection event held for Paris Climate Talks

Kaleidoscopia Utopia

Browser version. Use your keyboard to generate kaleidoscopic forms from Exxon documents
Click the 'play' link above to go to this artwork. Use your keyboard to generate kaleidoscopic forms out of Exxon documents with this interactive platform.

This version opens in your browser. Note the instructions on the first page regarding what keyboard keys to press for each level, and how to return to the main page.

Kaleidoscopia Utopia

Get the app! Use your keyboard to generate kaleidoscopic forms from Exxon documents